I go round and round and round

2008-11-07 - 10:18:02 / Mellan himmel o jord
I spin, I twist and I turn.
I try to make a stand, make a pint of my view.
Where am I headed?
Is there an end to the desires in my brain, or am i just a fucked up stranger in my own body
Don't have any answere so don't question me like that.
Noy you my dear, just everyone else. I wouldn't write down this if it were ment to you
You are my sweetest love, my soulmate

Sitter på Historian, lagom uttråkad. eller ja egentligen inte. Har värsta flowet men orkar bara
inte genomföra det till slutet. Hmm.. förtsår inte varför?
Jag kanske har gått och blivit för lat för mitt eget bästa. Ajabaja Cissi. haha
No shit Sherlock what has happend? 
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