
2010-04-13 - 12:01:55 / Cissi möter världen
I Guess i was prettier then, I guess I was another girl then,
unexperiensed, so full of shit,
I Guess I was someone then, who didnt care I just did thing to actually do them. Not thinking till afterwards.

I guess Im happier now, with my future solved, nothing to think about, nothing to worrie about.
I have my husband, I have my home, I have a job when I graduate. Everything is fixed.

What about me, the girl inside me?
I guess she will be happy, when she dont have to prove herself to everyone else, when she dont will be taken for granted and when they pay attention.

I will love him unconditionally till the day my lungs collapse, and I hope he do the same. Maybe I just need some reassurance that you will.

Pluggdag, träna, gå ut och gå, sola.
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