Some shit in english

2008-10-03 - 09:11:23 / Orden från mig

We have to change


We make promises all the time, like it was so easy. I promise you, your secret will be safe with me. Yeah right! How often does that work?

 The dust has already begun to fall. We're too blind, we think that everyone means well, that all people are true but guess what they're not. What is a promise, and why is it so easy to break them? I haven't met anyone who has kept a promise to me, is it because everyone are liars or is it my demands that are too high? Why can't anyone tell the truth for once, why do everyone have to lie in my face? And is it true that we all are the same; are we all really a like?

          Have you ever wondered why we all are here? If we all go away in the end, then what's the point in teaching and learning? And what's the point in being true? If we all lie, you know those fake smiles, happy faces, pretty clothes and always being good girls and boys. No wait we are lying. People always lie. That's a new historical rule. Then why am I wondering about it, is it because I want to change it or in fact that I still believe in people having good sides?

No I won't believe in a person again. Because they all lie when they tell you "I will stay by your side forever". But don't you know, every person goes away in the end? You know, people always leave.

          The people in our society are so egocentric and selfish, and you can't run and control a world on greed, right? Soon the world will fall apart if we can't control ourselves. We pollute the environment and throw our elderly in trashcans, or put them in day cares where they are supposed to take care of them but they don't. All they do is to feed them and give them medicines, what has happened with real love and nursing? Someday you'll be there too, do you really want to be treated as some random figure? I would like to be handled by loving people who like to take care of me. If you think about it, it's your last time on earth don't you want to be comfortable and have a nice feeling of warmth inside? I would. Is it so egocentric to say that you want it to be good when your last day is here? Who is the judge to say this isn't right? How will you know?

          Why do we spend all our money in materialistic things, instead of helping other human beings in the world with their health or build houses for those who are homeless? No one seems to care about real things, real people and real feelings any more. Everyone are to busy leading their own lives that they forget everyone that they care about. But don't you know you can't live alone? No man is an island. I have a big fear in my life and that is new people but recently I've learned a new expression "face the fear and do it anyway". Cause really that's what life's about, facing problems and learning how to solve them. And sometimes you can't solve them, and then you just need to cope with it and accept the fact. Otherwise you will get stuck. You have to pull yourself together so you have the strength to help other people who aren't that strong. In that way we can live together as one big united power, one big united world instead of fighting wars and killing each other. Is that too much to ask for?

          Think about it, all day long you have an inner battle with yourself about everything. What clothes am I going to wear today, what will everyone around me think, will I say the right things now, and am I a fool even thinking about it? Think about it wouldn't it be nice to have a quiet afternoon where you don't have to argue with everyone else too, just to have one day were you maybe just argue with yourself (‘cause that's pretty hard to avoid) but just have one battle instead of many. I don't think the world needs more suffering right know, so can't we all be and friends at least do so people don't have to live in a war zone anymore. Do you think the children in the third world would like to be put in military camps and hold a machine gun when they are five or six years old and then learn how to shoot someone the best? Did you know that the first thing they have to "take-care-of" is to shoot their parents? How terrible isn't that?

The children is the future of the world, how do they plan when the first thing they do is to break them apart and make them suffer as in hell. The kids who are assaulted in this way learn that violence feeds on violence and that blood needs blood. They learn about disrespect and that honour and kindness is overrated. Don't the people in today's society have any sense or have I missed something?

          Everything is so weird right now, like you have to have guards all around the city. And girls are afraid of walking outside at night in case they have the chance to get raped. I think it's sad that they even have to think about it. Soon we'll have barbed fences around schools and day-cares. Why can't we live in a safe environment instead of developing more things to be scared of? The world is getting smaller and smaller each day. Soon there'll be illegal just to go outside. And the police have to shop for you. How crazy wouldn't that be?

We need to live too, we can't have so many rules and law to pursue all the time. I'm not saying to skip the rules and screw the laws, no I'm just saying if you're going to have rules and laws make them easy to follow then maybe someone would try to obey them.

          This text or whatever you would call it isn't made for being totally against the society and don't mean that we should make a revolution. No! This story is my way of seeing things from my perspective of a world that is coming down soon. I want to open all of your eyes and tell you to think a little bit extra next time you judge something or throw paper on the ground when you're out walking. This is the only world we got, and our only lifetime. If you will change something, do it now! Don't wait ‘til tomorrow. Be the change you want to see.


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